Guest Post: A Casino for Gods by David E Dresner

Hello! Today we have a very special guest post from David E. Dresner, the writer of ‘A Casino for Gods’ the third book in ‘The Allies of Theo’ series. I hope you enjoyed David’s words as much as I did! Things That Have Inspired Me My collective experiences tell me the common denominator in allContinue reading “Guest Post: A Casino for Gods by David E Dresner”

Guest Post – D.S Smith, author of Unparalleled.

A day in the life of D S Smith (Don) author of ‘Unparalleled’  I would love to be able to write a paragraph or two about how I structure my day to maximise the creative flow. How I wake up naturally to the sound of birds singing outside, stroll out to the kitchen to flickContinue reading “Guest Post – D.S Smith, author of Unparalleled.”