2020 film releases I’m most excited for.

If you didn’t know, I have a degree in a English and film, so films are kind of a big deal to me. My goal in life is to become a screenwriter, so watching upcoming films aren’t just fun, but they can also be considered research. Win win. Today, I’m going to be showing youContinue reading “2020 film releases I’m most excited for.”

Friday Favourites: Melissa Mccarthy Movies

Hello and welcome to another friday favourites! The time of the week where I share with you some of my favourite things! This week I will be telling you some of my favourite Melissa McCarthy movies. If you wasn’t aware I am quite the film buff (I’m even studying it at university!), and there’s nothingContinue reading “Friday Favourites: Melissa Mccarthy Movies”

Favourite Sitcoms

In addition to books, televiesion programmes are also things that I love dearly and can spend countless hours binge-watching. One of my favourite things to watch is sitcoms – a ‘situation comedy’, is a genre of comedy, centered on a fixed set of characters who carry over from episode to episode – with comedy beingContinue reading “Favourite Sitcoms”

Film Review – Deadpool

A Quick Overview: Wade Wilson was your average guy, getting paid to scare the bad and weird guys of the world. A former Special Forces operative who now works as a mercenary. He meets a girl, they fall in love and then something bad happens and his world falls apart. In addition to this heContinue reading “Film Review – Deadpool”

Film Review: Me Before You

Director: Thea Sharrock Cast: Emilia Clarke (Louisa Clarke), Sam Claflin (Will Traynor), Janet McTeer (Camillia Traynor), Charles Dance (Steven Traynor), Matthew Lewis (Patrick) Age Certificate: 12a If you haven’t read the book of this movie adaption then you are certainly missing out. Before becoming a big hit in the cinema, Me Before You was aContinue reading “Film Review: Me Before You”

Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale Review/Discussion

I’m sure everybody and their auntie must have watched the season 6 finale of Game of Thrones on Sunday/Monday. I am also sure that everybody who watched it was on the edge of their seat and screaming at the tv. Or maybe that was just me. The build up to the finale added to theContinue reading “Game of Thrones Season 6 Finale Review/Discussion”